Expenses and travel policy


Travel and remote sessions

Initial pairing

We suggest that candidates located more than 40 minutes travel time away from the Cultivate Offices opt for a remote screening interview. We will discuss details over email.

If you are located in Edinburgh or Glasgow we may be able to arrange a session in a local cafe, instead of remote pairing or traveling to Edinburgh.

Reasonable travel expenses up to £25 for initial pairing will be reimbursed.

Pair programming half day

This too can be performed remotely, especially if the travel distance is more than 90 minutes. The half-day must be either remote or in our Edinburgh Office.

If you are traveling a reasonable distance, we will try and arrange the pairing time such that you can travel to Edinburgh and back comfortably in a day.

Interview Expenses

You must have receipts.

  • Lunch up to £10
  • Dinner up to £30. No alcohol.
  • Standard class train, bus, or economy air travel up to £250
  • Car mileage at 38p per mile up to 100 miles.
  • If necessary, a hotel room overnight for the pair-programming half day, priced similar to the Premier Inn

We can be flexible on travel pricing. For instance if you need to spend £300, rather than £240, on air-fare to avoid spending an extra £120 on a hotel, that would be fine.

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