JSON Serialisation of Ecto Models in Phoenix Channels (and views)

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I have an Phoenix app that is deliberately over-using channels, to see how far I can push it and shake out the gotchas.

Last week I upgraded from 0.13.x to 0.15.0 (through 0.14.x) and hit problems with models that I'd been sending over channels to the Javascript client.

def handle_in("project_email_recipients", _, socket) do
  # Retrieves all the models for the project
  recipients = ProjectEmailing.project_recipients(
    {:ok, %{project_email_recipients: recipients}},

This was serialising just fine and being received as maniputable JSON at the client. On upgrade it broke. On investigation I discovered that Ecto upgraded from 0.13.1 to 0.14.3. Under 0.13.1, a model's (Project model) __meta__ value looks something like this:

%Ecto.Schema.Metadata{source: "projects", state: :loaded}

Under 0.14.3 it looks like:

%Ecto.Schema.Metadata{source: {nil, "projects"}, state: :loaded}

The Poision encoder doesn't cope with the tuple, and leads to this error:

** (Poison.EncodeError) unable to encode value: {nil, "projects"}
    (poison) lib/poison/encoder.ex:213: Poison.Encoder.Any.encode/2

On reflection, serialising everything in the model record to JSON, including the __meta__ field was silly; I should be more picky. There's two sensible ways to achieve this:

Custom Poison Encoders

Implement the Poison.Encoder protocol for your model. eg

defimpl Poison.Encoder, for: ProjectStatus.StatusEmail do
  def encode(model, opts) do
      |> Map.take([:name, :id, :email, :subject, :content,
                   :project_id, :sent_date, :status_date])
      |> Poison.Encoder.encode(opts)

Whenever the model is sent as payload on a channel (or as a JSON Object via a view) it will serialise to just those selected fields.

Select the fields in the channel

Alternatively you might want to save bandwidth by providing just those fields required by the client. This tightly couples the Phoenix Channel code to the client, but you might argue that it's tightly coupled in any case.

eg if the client only needs the model's id and subject fields.

def handle_in("get_project_status_emails", %{}, socket) do
  status_emails = socket.assigns[:project_id]
    |> ProjectEmailing.project_status_emails
    |> Enum.map(&(Map.take(&1, [:id, :subject])))
  {:reply, {:ok, %{status_emails: status_emails}}, socket}

Right now I am going with the simpler first approach, custom encoders; I'll worry about bandwidth when it becomes a problem.

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