Putting a Phoenix in your Jira
How we added features to Jira via a Phoenix app.
Elixir nested modules, imports, and aliases
Module nesting in Elixir is syntactic sugar with some unexpected (undocumented) alias and import behaviours
Building and configuring a Phoenix app with Umbrella for releasing with Docker
A tutorial to understand how Phoenix, Umbrella, Distillery and Docker fit together.
GenServer call time-outs
What exactly happens when `GenServer.call/3` times out? Let's find out.
Using HTTPS with Elixir on Cowboy
How to serve https from a simple Elixir app running locally with Cowboy in development mode
Communicating with C from Elixir using Ports
On occasion your Elixir is going to want to interact with an external program. This may be for speed, but more likely you are going to want to take advantage of a library that has been written in C. The most common options are using Ports and Native Interface Functions (NIFs).
Three alternatives to using GenEvent in Elixir
For various reasons, may people are not fond of GenEvent. Here are some examples of using some good alternatives for broadcasting and subscribing to types of event: gproc, Phoenix PubSub, and the new process registry to be included in Elixir 1.4.
Compiling and testing Elixir Nerves on your host machine
Elixir Nerves is awesome, but it make it awkward to test your code on your development computer - especially if it is not Linux. Here I explain how to overcome that hurdle.
Using Ecto 2, without Phoenix, but with tests
Using Ecto without Phoenix is a bit fiddly to set up. This is a step-by-step tutorial to getting through that.
Phoenix with Elm - part 13
In Part 11, we looked at how to fetch our initial seat data via Phoenix channels. Our application, when it loads, opens a web socket to the server and then gets the initial seat data over this connection. Now we want to take a look at how to send and receive data over that channel in response to user interaction with the site.