Posts from 2016

Three alternatives to using GenEvent in Elixir

For various reasons, may people are not fond of GenEvent. Here are some examples of using some good alternatives for broadcasting and subscribing to types of event: gproc, Phoenix PubSub, and the new process registry to be included in Elixir 1.4.

Large organisations find Lean UX hard, it’s not them, it’s us!

Many large organisations say they want to use a Lean UX approach. In my experience, they don’t find it easy to execute in reality. Why is this? I believe we’re not helping adoption happen – we’re not following our own advice or approach, I say we can do better.

Phoenix with Elm - part 13

In Part 11, we looked at how to fetch our initial seat data via Phoenix channels. Our application, when it loads, opens a web socket to the server and then gets the initial seat data over this connection. Now we want to take a look at how to send and receive data over that channel in response to user interaction with the site.

Phoenix with Elm - part 12

Since the last post we have seen updates to both Elixir and Phoenix. Furthermore, as of Phoenix version 1.1.2, the version of Brunch that is used has been upgrade to ^2.1.1. This means that we will end up upgrading Brunch to version 2.1.3 or later, which affects the elm-brunch package that we use to build our Elm project.
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